
13 février 2010 - 08:41

Des nouvelles de la St-Patrick - Chronique

The forecast for Richmond and area for the month of March is seventy percent probability of sun with one hundred percent probability of good times. Everything is greening up. The Richmond St. Pat’s festivities are here. So get out your fancy duds, dust off your dancing shoes, get your St. Pat’s membership and let the good times roll.

Le beau temps s’en vient et amène avec lui  le mois de mars. Encore une fois, le vert ne passera pas inaperçu cette année. Ayez votre carte de membre de St Pat’s en main et venez fêter avec nous!
Time to Celebrate
The Green Sale kicks off another fun-filled month of March. Everyone is invited to an afternoon of good times at the Richmond Legion at 1:30 PM on Saturday, March 6th. Hard to believe that it is the 20th year. For further information, please contact Elsie Kerr at 826-3284.

Corn Beef Supper – Also on March 6th, will take place at 6:30 PM at the Grand Central Hotel.  It is becoming more popular every year!  With a limit of 40 tickets, please do not delay in ordering yours.   For tickets, contact Erika Lockwood at 826-3322 by Feb. 25. 

St. Pat's Folk Dancing Evening - March 12th at Centre des Loisirs, 820 Gouin, Richmond (beside the arena) at 8:00 PM for beginners’ session (learning basic dance moves) and 8:30 PM. Dosido and swing your partner! Admission: 12$, Student 7$, pricing available for families with minors. This is great fun to have with family and friends. Lively folk musicians and a considerate and bilingual caller make for an evening you'll remember for a long time. Bring comfortable shoes, your favorite beverages (RACJ permit) and wear green. Come on and be the lord of the dance! (No experience required...really!)  Info: 826-6707 or [email protected],

Banquet – The banquet will take place at the St. Famille Centre, Craig St., on Saturday, March 13th at 6:30 PM.  This year St. Pat’s Queen is Isabelle Patrick, a senior member of the Richmond Irish dancers and an active member of the Society.  Ross Murray, an educator and freelance writer from Stanstead, with whit and humour will be the guest speaker. The Master of Ceremonies will be Dave Savage, the famous CJMQ announcer. The Irish dancers will entertain with new dance steps.  Entertainment will be provided by Mike Patrick and Karen Robinson. Bring your dancing shoes and be ready to swing your partner. Everyone is welcome. Tickets will be available from Marge Lancaster at 826-2760 at the cost of $22.00 for adults and $10.00 for youth (12 or younger), $5.00 for the dance at the door. Tickets must be purchased by Wed., March 10th.  A real deal!

Mass – Our favourite Irish priest, Father O’ Houde extends a warm invitation to attend mass at Ste. Bibiane's Church on Sunday, March 14th at 9:00 AM.

A Green Bingo will take place on March 17th at 2:30 PM at the Foyer de Richmond. For more information please call: Charles Lachance at 826-3711.

Paddy’s Day Celebration- On the17th, the Grand Central Hotel will be serving green beer all day with a Paddy Hour from 5:00 PM to 7:00 PM

Social Gatherings – Friday March 19th
• The Legion’s St. Paddy’s Happy Times, stating at 3:00 PM, with Debbie Knowles in charge of entertainment, promises to be a good party.

• St. Pat’s Prep Party, 5:00 PM to wee little Irish hours at the Grand Central promises to be a rousing affair!! Viva la Sour Puss!!  Keep those aspirins handy!!

March 20th- Irish smoked meat supper and Dance: Dance, 3:00-5:00 PM, Supper 5:00-6:30 PM and after more dancing at Danville Legion, 10.00$. Contact Jim Bell 839-2581.

March 20th  Concert- Everyone is invited to the Centre d’Art, 1010 Principale N., Richmond, on Saturday at 8:00 PM, to enjoy the Celtic band Aveladeen with Alan Jones. The website is . Tickets at the cost of 22$ or 17$ for St.  Pat’s members may be reserved at 826-2488.

The Legion’s Parade Brunch. -Will take place on Sunday, the 21st.starting at 9:00 AM Get good nourishment before the parade!

Parade – Our St. Patrick's Parade, the best in Quebec and growing each year, will take place on Sunday, March 21st , beginning at 2:00 PM from 7th Ave.(old Brown Shoe) marching along the green-lined  route! There will be bands, horsemen, floats, groups, and individuals making for a fun-filled day.  Anyone wishing to be part of the parade will be welcome and should contact Dennis Ridley 826-5231 or Paul or Mark O' Donnell at 826-2535.  After the parade, there will be more fun at the Legion, and The Grand Central, with Lucky Luke.

Closing Brunch - The Irish festivities wrap up with a brunch at the Legion on Sunday, March 28th from 9:00AM -12:00. Prizes and trophies for parade participation will be presented. All are welcome!


C’est l’heure de faire la fête!
Le traditionnel Encan Vert aura lieu à la Légion de Richmond le 6 mars à 13h30. Encore une fois, pour cette 20e année, plusieurs articles verts seront mis aux enchères Pour  plus d’informations, contactez Elsie Kerr 826-3284.

Le Souper Corn Beef aura lieu le 6 mars à 18h30. Il  n’y a que 40 billets disponibles; faites vite! Pour réservations : Erika 826-3322, avant le 25 février.

Veillée de danse traditionnelle de la Saint Patrick le vendredi 12 mars dès 20h au Centre des loisirs de Richmond, 820 rue Gouin, (à coté de l’aréna). De 20h à 20h30 il y aura une session pour les débutant et dès 20h30  dosido et on swingne son partenaire! Admission - 12$, Étudiants -7$, forfaits pour familles avec mineurs disponibles. Du plaisir à avoir en famille et entre amis. Des musiciens traditionnels endiablés et un calleur attentionné et bilingue vous garantissent une veillée dont vous parlerez et vous souviendrez longtemps. Apportez des souliers confortables, vos breuvages préférés (permis RJAQ) et portez du vert. Venez découvrir le plaisir de la danse! (aucune expérience requise!) Info : 826-6707 ou [email protected]

Le Banquet aura lieu le 13 mars à 18h30 à la salle Ste Famille. La reine sera Isabelle Patrick, l’invité d’honneur sera Ross Murray, enseignant et journaliste de Stanstead et le maître de cérémonie, Dave Savage, animateur de radio CJMQ. La troupe de danseuses irlandaises y sera et la soirée sera animée par Mike Patrick et Karen Robinson. On peut se procurer des billets au coût de 22$ pour les adultes et de 10$ pour les enfants de 12 ans et moins en contactant  Mark ou Paul O’Donnell (819-826-2535) et ce, avant le11 mars.

Une messe sera célébrée le 14 mars à 9h00 à l’église Ste Bibiane avec l’abbé O’Houde.

Un Bingo vert aura lieu le 17 mars à 14h30 au Foyer de Richmond;  pour de plus amples informations, veuillez contacter Charles Lachance au 826-3711 poste 223

Célébration de la St Patrick- le 17 mars de la bière verte sera servie pendant toute la journée. Paddy hour de 5 à 7.

St. Pat’s Prep. Party- le 19 mars dès 17h à l’Hotel Grand Central  Viva la Sour Puss! 

“St. Paddy’s happy time” aura lieu le 19 mars à la Légion de Richmond dès 15h

Le Concert, au Centre d’Art de Richmond, Le groupe de musique celtique Aveladeen présentera une soirée de musique celtique le samedi 20 mars 2010 à 20 heures. Pour souligner la St-Patrick avec force, le groupe sera en plus accompagné du réputé joueur de cornemuse Alan Jones. Tous sont invités à participer à cette soirée et à partager la traditionnelle joie de vivre irlandaise. Les billets sont au coût de 18$ et 14,50$ pour les membres de la Société St Patrick Pour information  et réservation les gens sont invités à communiquer au Centre d’Art de Richmond 819-826-2488.
Le brunch de la parade aura lieu dimanche,  21 mars à la salle de la Légion dès 9h.

La Parade aura lieu le 21 mars dès 14h et partira de la 7e avenue (ancienne Brown Shoe) et suivra la traditionnelle ligne verte. Chars allégoriques, marcheurs, cavaliers et plusieurs autres seront présents. Ceux et celles qui veulent en faire partie  doivent  contacter Mark ou Paul au 826-2535.  Après la parade, la fête continuera à la Légion ainsi qu’à l’Hôtel Grand Central avec Lucky Luke.

Le Brunch de fermeture aura lieu le 28 mars de 9h à 12h à la Légion, 235 Collège N, Richmond. Trophées et prix de participation seront remis aux participants. Les photos de la parade seront aussi en vente. Tout le monde est le bienvenu!

Curling Written, directed and produced by Erika Lockwood
You know St. Pat’s Day is approaching when you see a bunch of Irish men and women holding brooms while chasing a curling rock, and all without wiping out! You guessed it, the 5th annual St. Pat’s Curling Bonspiel!  On Sunday February 28th, teams will be battling for the prestigious titles of winners of A & B Division, Closest to the Button and Best Fall!  For anyone interested, the first act (match) starts at noon at the Danville Curling Club, ‘twill be an interesting show filled with humour, suspense and a touch of drama - rated 5 Stars.

Moran Academy Richmond Irish Dancers by Missy Johnston
We have a great group of Irish dancers this year. They are learning their steps quickly and efficiently.  This keeps our great teacher busy along with our 3 senior helpers Isabelle, Jessica and Bridgette. The beginners are catching on quickly; our intermediates are now all using hard shoes and the seniors are mastering steps.
This March we will be performing at the St. Pat’s Banquet, taking part in the annual St. Patrick's Day Parade, and we will be going to dance for the folks at the Wales Home on March 27th. In May we will have some dancers attending the Ville Marie Feis; we wish each of them a great day. On the 30th of May it will be our Annual Spring Show at RRHS at 2:00 PM.  We hope to see many familiar faces and some new faces enjoying our dancers’ performances. Thanks to all the parents who bring their children to class and help us when we are going to shows. Bring your camera and friends and enjoy the shows.

Troupe de danse irlandaise de Richmond
Cette année, promet encore une fois d’être marquante. Nous participerons prochainement au Banquet de la St Patrick ainsi qu’à la parade, nous irons aussi au Foyer Wales Home le 27 mars. Au mois de mai, plusieurs participeront aux compétitions, Feis de Ville Marie. Bonne chance à tous !! Notre spectacle du printemps est  prévu le 30 mai à l’École Régionale de Richmond.


Community Announcements
Last fall, Pat Henderson led another very successful Terry Fox Foundation campaign, when over $15,000.00 was raised for cancer research. Pat and her elves are to be commended for their continuing efforts to raise funds.
Bull’s Head IS BACK! Once more you can purchase the Township’s favourite ginger ale, Bull’s Head, which is now back on shelves at local stores. Three enterprising Townshippers, including 2 Richmond brothers, and members of St. Pat’s Society, Dominic and Carl Pearson, along with Charles Martel from Sherbrooke, have recently purchased the Richmond based company.  They wish to carry on this venerable Township’s tradition.
Danville’s 150th anniversary:  Preparations for Danville’s 150th anniversary are well on their way. To highlight this anniversary, events will be held every month of the year, including the “big celebration” on July 3rd and 4th, with a parade, guided tours, a traditional fair and banquet. For more information on events, please call the Town of Danville at: 819-839-2771.
Catherine Jones, daughter of Michael Jones and Helen Begin, a student at Richmond Regional, is to be commended for participating in the Christmas Cantata performances presented at 4 different venues in Richmond and Sherbrooke. Her playing of the piano prior to the choir's performance, and the percussion instrument, was most impressive. This young lady has loads of talent

The Richmond Library at 820 Gouin St. (near the Arena) invites everyone to drop in to see the selection of 15 000 books.  Open on Wed., Thurs., and Fri. from 6:30 - 8:30 PM, Thurs. and Fri. from 2:00 - 4:00 PM and Sat. from 9:30 -11:30 AM, the library has books for all tastes.  Residents' memberships for Richmond and Cleveland are only $15 per family or $8 for adults and $5 for children.  With 26% of the books in English, you will even find some Irish authors and books about Ireland!

Therese and Everett Taylor recently moved to Cleveland.  As president of the Town of Danville’s 150th Anniversary celebrations, Everett is very busy, and does not have much time for his afternoon naps!
The Richmond County Historical Society has an interesting season of activities planned for 2010.  One of the highlights will be a presentation to commemorate the anniversary of Frederick Simpson Coburn's death. 
F. S. Coburn, landscape and portrait painter and illustrator, was one of the most important figures in our local history.  The RCHS will also participate in Danville's 150th anniversary this year.  Other events include the May AGM, the Ice Cream Social in July, and Étend’art participation with Richmond artist, Doug Lyons. 

Member Spotlight
At this time, we wish to highlight Anne O’Donnell, only daughter of Gemma and the late Michael O’Donnell. Can you imagine what it must have been for her to be the only daughter growing up with 4 fun-loving, teasing brothers?  Apparently, she could her hold own though!
As a young girl she was crazy about rabbits, horses, dogs and other animals. When she was 15, her dad got her a horse, named Omega, that Anne enjoyed immensely. It was kept at her brother Peters’ place, where Anne spent much time caring for it!  From the age of 12,  she worked for her brother, Peter, the veterinarian, where she would do many  jobs, like answer the phone, paint, mow the lawn, clean cages, and assist with the TB testing in cattle, .
 She was a hard-working student, whose studies took precedent over going out and having fun. She would arrive at Gunter’s at 11:00 P.M., when her friends were about to leave!  Her studies took her from Richmond to Champlain, Bishops, and McGill where she received an Industrial Hygienist degree. To further her knowledge in this field, she received her Masters from England’s Newcastle-upon-the Tyne University!
Industrial hygiene is the science of protecting and enhancing the health and safety of people at work and in their communities. Health and safety hazards cover a wide range of chemical, physical, biological and ergonomic stressors. Those scientists, dedicated to anticipating, recognizing, evaluating and controlling those hazards are known as Industrial Hygienists. They are professionals dedicated to the well-being of people at work, at home and in the community.
Anne has spent over 20 years working in the field of industrial hygiene and environmental health. Lately, with her mold detecting dog, O’Livia (an Irish version of Olivia), they are specialists in finding mold in homes, institutions, and businesses. O’Livia, a programmed Weimarmer, is trained to find mold in various hidden places, such as behind walls, and under floors.
Anne is an avid and experienced cyclist, having biked all over Quebec and in Europe. She has had a few falls, hurting her arms, etc., but is undeterred in her joy of biking.
Later this month, Anne is off to the Scandinavian countries to participate in an international skijoring training camp sponsored by the International Federation of Sled Sporting dogs (IFSS). Rather than bringing her dogs to Europe for this event, she will use locally supplied dogs.
We wish Anne the very best in all her endeavors, and in this a milestone birthday year!


Trip to Grosse Isle
St. Pat’s is planning a bus trip to Grosse Ile and Quebec City in early June; keep posted for more details. Mark O’Donnell 826-2535

Voyage a Grosse Ile
Un voyage à Québec et à Grosse île est prévu su début de juin, Pour de plus amples informations Mark O’Donnell 826-2535.

The Morin families have certainly got the travel bug. Claude Morin and Claire Richard from Drummondville visited the Caribbean twice in the last months. In November they visited Cuba, and in January, they went with their family to the Dominican Republic. They enjoyed these places so much, they are now taking reservations from other interested travellers.
Louise Morin and Denis Cloutier went further south, going to Venezuela for a sunny 2 weeks visit.
We feel bad for Norma Morin, who went to Florida, with Coleen and Philip Boersen just after Christmas. Unfortunately they were there during the big freeze. Next time they will check with Claude Morin to book during a warmer period!
History of the Irish
Peter Southam mentioned that the work is progressing well. He is doing follow-up on material and the finishing touches. He feels that the manuscript should be completed by mid-year. We are anxiously looking forward to seeing the completed work
Haiti Relief Fund
Corey Morin, Townships' Mr. Domino, had a 1 day fundraiser for the Haiti Relief, where all the money from the sales would be donated to the Fund.  Little did Corey realize how well they would do that day!.  After an exhausting day for Corey, his staff and volunteers, approximately $10,000 was raised. This was beyond his wildest dreams! Corey personally delivered the money to the Canadian Red Cross office. A most thoughtful gesture on Carey’s part and a job well done.
Joe Kelly is using the collection of bottles and cans to generate funds for the Haiti Relief.  To date he has collected over
$ 600!  You can call Joe at 819-826-3929 to arrange pickup of your empties, or drop them off at the United and/or Anglican Churches in Richmond.
In addition, to collecting the empty bottles and cans for the Haiti Fund, Joe helped the head elf, Pat Henderson, with the Terry Fox campaign and has just finished collecting for the Wales Home.  With both fund-raisers, he has surpassed the previous years' amounts. As he says, to raise this much money, we need all the support from the good folks, and encourages them to drink wisely, and pass the empties on to him!.
The Next generation
Devon - son of Wanda Cox and Trenholm Morin, grandson of Vinnie and Carol Morin

Scott - son of Pamela Murphy and Yannick Dubois, proud grandparents, Mark and Marilyn Murphy, great grand mom Ruth Mountain

Tristan - son of Genevieve Manseau and Steven Barrie, brother to Benjamin

Sophia - daughter to Valerie Sierant and Aaron Corey, sister to Ethan

Samuel - son of Lison and Shane Wheeler, grandson of Gloria and Malcolm Wheeler

Jason - son of Sarah St. Hilaire and Sylvain Daigle

Hayden - son of Shelly Grainger and Rene Raymond, grandson of Eileen and Daryl Grainger

Mark Biggs was feted at an evening at the Richmond Legion with many members and friends on hand. Mark was tickled pink!
Anne O’Donnell had a boisterous evening with friends and family in Lachine celebrating a milestone year.
Gerry McGee celebrated his 60th with a big surprise party put on by his loved ones.
Ruth Mountain had a great luncheon celebration with friends at Andree Carson’s.
Mary St. Cyr, a St. Pat’s lifetime celebrated her 100th earlier this month at the Wales Home. Teaching all those Irish kids must have been her secret for longevity!  Birthday wishes are extended to all for good health and happiness!
Carole and Vinny Morin will be celebrating their 50th wedding anniversary this May. Best wishes for many more happy ones. There should be a great party to celebrate this event!  
In our Thoughts
Members and friends who passed away

George Coddington        O’Leary Hennessy             Mabel  Mallette          Noreen Stevens
Phyllis Crack                  Gale (Kelly) Learning       Irene McKenna
Peter Goorts                    Sylvia Lockwood              Eileen Roberts                              

Irish Humour:
Charlie Mallette found out that no matter how much you push the envelope, it'll still be stationary.
Patrice Dupont’s first job was working in an orange juice factory. He eventually got canned, as he couldn’t concentrate!  He then got a job as a lumberjack, but he couldn’t hack it, so they gave him the axe!
Apparently President Bob studied a long time to become a doctor, but he realized that he didn’t have any patience. He then managed to get a job working for a pool maintenance company, but the work was too draining!

Medical Update:
Rodney Duffy just had his second knee surgery in just over 3 months. He’s hoping to show his new 2 new-knee-step Irish jigging at the Banquet next month!
Duct tape for medical use had a temporary setback. To glue the soles to his boots, Darrell (Tootoo) Dubois has found that the “Clear Automotive Contact Adhesive Sealant” is the best thing for such repairs! However, his brother, Bubba, found the duct tape helped his hernia! So now you have 2 choices for Mark O’Donnell’s miracle medical treatments!

Notes of Interests
February 14th is a special day for several reasons. Worldwide, this is the day when Valentine’s Day is celebrated, along with  the Chinese New Year‘s, and the Year of the Tiger, but most importantly locally, Shirley Smith and Guy Marchand are celebrating birthdays that same day! Can you imagine on Valentine Day, Guy and Shirley going out to a Chinese restaurant to celebrate the New Year, and they run into Tiger Woods! An astrologer’s delight!

 Richmond St. Pat’s Society has received a grant from C.L.D Val St. Francois to develop our visibility. A mascot project is in progress. Rosaire has a lot on his small shoulders and needs help.

St. Pat’s received a grant from Yvon Vallieres’ office in conjunction with “Programme de soutien à l’action bénévole” to help pay costs incurred for the Banquet and Parade.

Richmond Regional High School trip to Italy
 17 Richmond Regional students are counting the days  until February 27th, when they depart from Dorval International via Toronto to Frankfurt, Germany, & then on to Italy. They will be meeting up with others students from New Brunswick & the United States.  While they will be in Italy for approx. 9 days,  they will be visiting many historical cities & sites, such as Rome, Pompeii, Venice, Assisi, and  experiencing a whole new world!! Have an enjoyable trip, which is a real learning experience!!

Our International membership division is pleased to announce that 2 new members have joined our illustrious society. From Chile, we have Carmen Lottanzi, who is now residing in Ottawa. Residing In Rosemere, we are happy to welcome Giorgi Giovanni, who has a 4 year membership! He joins another Rosemerite, Satish Ramiengar in the International group!! The National section is pleased to announce that the Learning families from Winnipeg, Regina, and Victoria have re-joined the Society, with the purchase of their 2010 Memberships, this will help them be more Irish on St Patrick’s Day!! President Bob is proud to have more members in our Society!  Welcome to all

Thank you
To all who contributed to the newsletter, articles, translations, envelopes, typing, etc.

Paddy says « Thank you »
Comments, articles and information are always welcome.
Contact Joe Kelly, at 450-965-0975 or e-mail [email protected] or Mark O’Donnell at 826-2535 e-mail [email protected].

À ceux et à celles qui ont contribué à l’infolettre, articles, traductions, corrections, etc.

Paddy vous dit merci!
Les commentaires, articles et informations sont les bienvenus.
Contactez Joe Kelly, au 450-965-0975, courriel [email protected] ou Mark O’Donnell au 826-2535 courriel, [email protected].


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